Jan Hovancik

Open-source enthusiast, connecting the dots in Product teams. CV with contact info

The latest blog posts:

Stretchly 1.16 is now available

Stretchly 1.15 is now available

Stretchly is now available in Microsoft Store

Stretchly 1.14.1 is now available

Stretchly 1.14 is now available

Selected projects / Open source:

Stretchly - The break time reminder app

DiscoverBSD - The BSD community linklog

BSD Weekly - Free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of BSD news and articles

BSDSec - The deadsimple BSD Security Advisories and Announcements

middleman-github-deploy - Build your Middleman site and push it to your gh-pages branch

mina-supervisord - Supervisor wrapper for mina