stretchly accepted to participate in RGSoC 2018

Posted under stretchly rgsoc on

Hey folks, I'm really happy to announce that stretchly, my open-source break time reminder app, had been accepted to participate
in RGSoC 2018.

What's RGSoC?

Rails Girls Summer of Code is an award-winning global fellowship program aimed at bringing more diversity into Open Source. The program welcomes all women and non-binary applicants who want to gain a footing in the world of programming and further expand their knowledge and skills. The focus is on advanced beginners who want to go into programming full-time.

Successful applicants are paid a monthly stipend, from July to September, to work on a worthwhile Open Source project. Working in two-person teams, students are supported by a mentor directly involved with the Open Source project, as well as independent coaches with extensive developer experience.


I'm really excited about it, as last year I've been coaching for RGSoC. So this year, this should be even more interesting.

If you know about someone who might be interested in helping out stretchly, let them know. Applications are about to start!

stretchly project page is here.

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