Archive for "ruby"

Creating new Rails and Vue.js app with Docker

Posted under ruby rails docker vuejs on

The most of Rails and Docker tutorials either show how to dockerize your existing app, or how to create new Rails app by installing Rails locally and then adding Docker as second step.

It works but it have always struck me as weird idea: why installing...

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Introducing mina-supervisord gem

Posted under ruby gem mina supervisord mina-supervisord on

Hi there,

I'm happy to announce the first release of gem mina-supervisord.

Mina::Supervisord is a Supervisor (process control system) wrapper for mina.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mina-supervisord', require:...
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Free automated code reviews using Pronto

Posted under ruby rubocop pronto reviews code style on

Code style

Officially or unofficially, every dev team has it's code style. And hopefully, the means to enforce it, as well.

De facto standard way to enforce it is via pull requests where some other team member will check your code for violations so...

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